The Kougelhopf


Season 2

Stories to crunch

"The three travelers are freezing to death and need to find shelter for the night..."

Half-cake, half-brioche, sweet or savory, Kougelhopf is as hard to pronounce as it is delicious to eat... You'll recognize it between a thousand and one, with its funny head, all curves and grooves, just like the mountains of the Vosges. By the way, where does this name, shape and taste come from?


Recommended for ages 4 and up

Concept and adaptation: Marine Angé, Daria Meyer and Sonia Riehl
Voices: Sonia Riehl with the participation of Balthazar, Baptiste, Germain, Jasmine, Madeleine, Samuel, Sonam and Sylvestre
Sound production, sound effects and sound design: Marine Angé and Daria Meyer
Vocals and music: Marine Angé and Viny La
Mixing: Sébastien Pierrejean

This original creation by Sonya, un monde de récits audio was supported by the Région Grand Est and the Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg. Many thanks for their help to La Drèche, Madeleine Marquadt, Bernadette Litschgi and the Alsatian department of Strasbourg's media libraries, the Crédit Mutuel Alsatian library and Max Disbeaux.