Legal notices


Editor Sonya
Association under local law in the process of being created
Registered office: Association Sonya
C/O Christophe Deleu
6 rue Flach
67100 Strasbourg

Responsible for the publication: Sarah Masalmé, president of the association
Contact : contactsonyapodcast

Informations sur les traitements de données à caractère personnel

L’association Sonya collecte des informations à caractère personnel des s'inscrivant à des évènements en envoyant un mail.
La personne fournit ces informations en toute connaissance de cause, notamment lorsqu’elle procède par elle-même à leur saisie.
L'association Sonya n'effectue aucune transaction de ces données.

Information on personal data processing

The Sonya Association collects personal information from users who register for events by sending an email.
The user provides this information with full knowledge of the facts, in particular when he/she enters it him/herself.
The Sonya Association does not carry out any transaction of this data.

Right of access and rectification of personal information

Users have the right to access and modify their personal data. To do so, you can contact us via our contact address.

Limitation of liability

Sonya shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage (material destruction, physical or psychological injury, loss of market or opportunity) resulting from the use of the site.

Intellectual property

The contents are written by the members of the association. The texts on the site do not claim to be original.
The logo was designed by Marjorie Ober under the Art Libre 1.3 license.
The graphic design and development of the website was done by Marjorie Ober and Audrey Meyer with GRAV and translated with Deepl.

Fonts :

Medias :

Images and photographs, unless otherwise stated, are designed by Sonya members.
Audio content on the “Audio” page is by Sonya members.

Credits for audio content on the “Team” page: